In 2017, we designed and launched PAPASTRATOS OPEN, the first online platform exclusively aimed at retailers by PAPASTRATOS. Having continuously cooperated with PAPASTRATOS since then, we enthusiastically took on to redesign and relaunch PAPASTRATOS OPEN!


Our goal was not just to change the appearance of the platform, but to comprehensively renew the overall browsing experience and make it even more exciting, thus ushering in the New Era of PAPASTRATOS OPEN.


Based on the results of a survey of a large number of retailers carried out by PAPASTRATOS throughout Greece and customer demands, we designed and presented the renewed logo and completely new platform of PAPASTRATOS OPEN.


The new PAPASTRATOS OPEN, both in terms of appearance and overall user interface, made a huge impression from the very first click. With “Everything you need in a platform” as the key slogan, we introduced the New Era of PAPASTRATOS OPEN to its audience through a number of actions, resulting in a considerable increase in both user traffic and loyalty.

Τhey said about us

“Staying true to its vision and siding with able partners, PAPASTRATOS is building a stronger, more OPEN relationship with retailers. Our partnership with CLEANCUT was decisive in successfully completing this project, and we are particularly pleased with and proud of the result”.

Nikos Zompolas,
Trade Marketing Manager, PAPASTRATOS